Membru din: 30 Oct 2007, 19:56
Mesaje: 1975
Localitate: Bucuresti
Baiatul avea 19 ani! E tare ciudat sa iti iei singur gatul cu un elicopter "jucarie"...asa scrie presa la ei!!
A New York teenager was killed when a remote control helicopter he was piloting struck him in the head and neck, leaving him almost decapitated.
Roman Pirozek, 19, was flying the helicopter in Calvert Vaux Park in Brooklyn when the accident happened.
According to reports the blades sliced off part of his skull and slashed his throat.
It is thought that Mr Pirozek, who was an avid helicopter enthusiast and member of the Seaview Rotary Wings, a Brooklyn-based club for model helicopter enthusiasts, lost control while attempting a stunt.
Paramedics worked desperately to save his life as onlookers, including his father Roman Snr, watched horrified. Despite the efforts of emergency services it is thought he died instantly in the accident.
Video footage has emerged of Mr Pirozek, who was a world-recognised aerobatic flyer, putting his Trex 700 helicopter through a series of remarkable tricks, including one that involves dropping the $1,500 model out of the sky by turning off the engines and restarting them just before the model chopper hits his head.
Police told the Wall Street Journal that Mr Pirozek “was known to be aggressive in his flying and often executed tricks," and that "he was executing a trick when he was struck".
The Trex 700 remote control helicopter has a blade span of 62 inches, weighs just over six pounds and has a rotor that spins at more than 2,000rpm.
Mr Pirozek, who lived in Woodhaven, Queens, was a graduate of the High School for Construction Trades, Engineering and Architecture in Queens, New York. Mai gasiti pe net si alte comentarii referitoare la subiect: ... id=9237643
Subiectul mesajului: Re: Omorat de propria greseala!
Scris: 11 Sep 2013, 16:59
Membru din: 30 Apr 2013, 18:23
Mesaje: 167
Da dragii mei fiti atenti unde zburati si sa aveti respect pentru aceste "jucarii". Daca nu aveti grija puteti sa va ardeti sau mai rau sa ardeti pe altcineva inocent. Voi stiti mai bine. Imi pare rau pentru baiatul dar cind ai niste cutite de juma de metru cel putin care se invirtesc la poate 1500 de ture pe minut nu as vrea sa le am nicaieri linga mine. Un servou cedeaza sau te miri ce se rupe nu poti sa fugi din drum. Am mi vazut pe astia cum zbor aprope de ei si ce fac este demential de greu. O greseala si ai muncat elicopterul. Imi pare rau.
Subiectul mesajului: Re: Omorat de propria greseala!
Scris: 12 Sep 2013, 08:18
Membru din: 30 Oct 2007, 21:25
Mesaje: 564
Localitate: Bucuresti
Stati linistit, la noi nu sunt destul de inconstienti sa tina elicopterul aproape cand fac "trick-uri", ei zboara langa public sau pe deasupra lor , iar cand li se atrage atentia asupra acestui lucru, "marii maestrii" se simt foarte atacati ....
Si la rapa rosie, cand vedeam ca ridica cate un elicopter, preferam sa caut un loc langa un copac sau dupa o masina...
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