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 Subiectul mesajului: Cabluri tip nou
MesajScris: 09 Dec 2021, 17:59 

Membru din: 30 Apr 2013, 18:23
Mesaje: 167
Am inceput sa folosesc cabluri facute din materialul asta ... UATRO.html

Ele sint relativ ieftine comparat cu cabluri multifilare de inox.
Comparatia, din punct mecaninc, intre cele doua tipuri de cabluri cu aceieasi grosime, rezulta in: amindoua cara aceiasi tensiune maxima, amindoua sub tensiune au elongare similara.

In afara de asta tot restul este diferit, dar catre mai bine.
1: Pretul la set de cabluri este mai mic in special daca cumperi in cantitate.
2: Nu se indoaie ca toate sirmele folosite in prezent, poti dansa pe ele cit vrei si dupa aia zbori fara nici o bataie de cap.
3: Sint mai usoare ceea ce inseamna ca trebuie mai putina greutate in capatul aripii, asta inseamna ca modelul este mai usor, asta inseamna deasemenea ca modelul zboara mai bine.
4: Poti sa pui 20 de rotatii pe ele si frecarea deabea se simte.

Terminatiile sa fac asa ca in video.

 Subiectul mesajului: Re: Cabluri tip nou
MesajScris: 10 Dec 2021, 10:28 
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Membru din: 30 Oct 2007, 19:56
Mesaje: 1975
Localitate: Bucuresti
FAI ne obliga sa fie fir metalic, sa nu fie inox (nu stiu de ce) si sa nu fie magnetizat (asta stiu de ce).

Magelan, cu rabdare si ciocan!

 Subiectul mesajului: Re: Cabluri tip nou
MesajScris: 13 Dec 2021, 18:53 

Membru din: 30 Apr 2013, 18:23
Mesaje: 167
Poate nu stiu unde sa ma uit dar am studiat regulamentul F2 Captive care este in efect de la FAI CIAM F2 zbor captiv. Linul este atasat dedesupt la cel mai curent regulament. ... ine_21.pdf
Daca este un regulament la nivel national care specifica ceva diferit atunci va rog frumos sa ma ghidati catre acest regulament?
Am facut ecstract la tote regulilor care se refera la cabluri in fiecare clasa.
Clarificare in limba engleza cuvintul "cable" se refera la un cablu facut din fire de otel. Definitia la cuvintul "line" este un fir subtire si rezistent (in definitia de "line lines" in dictionarul Englez materialul nu este specificat).
Uitativa aici sa va convingeti daca am dreptatehttps: // Dupa cum observati cuvintul ales si inclus in regulament este "line" (singular fir) sau "lines" (plural fire). Chiar si in limba Romina cuvintul fir nu specifica materialul (fir de ata, fir de otel, fir de par etc. toate sint considerate fire)

F2A Viteza

4.1.4. Tradus pe scurt la subiect se specifica numai minim 2 fire subtiri rotunde, diametru minim 0.4mm lungime, distanta minima intre ele la nimer si deasemenea la capatul aripii.

4.1.4. Control Lines
a) Only two-line control is allowed, minimum control line diameter is 0.40 mm with a tolerance of
minus 0.011 mm.
b) No intentional twisting and/or linking of the two lines together shall be permitted from the point of
exit of the model aircraft to the control handle. The lines shall be separated by at least 5 mm at
the point of exit from the model aircraft and at least 25 mm at the handle.
c) The lines must be round in cross-section and may not have any liquid or coating material applied.
Solvent may be applied for cleaning only

F2B Acrobatie

4.2.3 La acrobatie sint doua cerinte care sint stipulate in regulament: Distanta de la centru la model la centru minerului max 21.5M
4.2.4 Sint testate inainte de fiecare zbor la tractiune egala cu greutatea modelului x 10.
Altfel la acrobatie nu sint alte cerinte. Nicaieri nu se specifica verificarea materialului folosit la fire.

4.2.3 Line Length
The minimum length of control lines shall be 15.0 meters, the maximum length 21.5 metres, to be
measured from the centre-line of the grip of the control handle to the centre-line of the propeller.
Where model aircraft with multiple power sources are used the longitudinal (fore and aft) centre
line of the model aircraft shall be taken as the reference for measurement.
4.2.4 Line Tests (to be made before each contest flight)
a) The length of the control lines shall be checked before every contest flight.
b) Not less than 15 minutes and not more than 30 minutes before every contest flight a test load
of 10 times the total weight of the model aircraft without fuel shall be evenly and smoothly
applied to the assembled control handle, lines, and model aircraft. The load used in this test
shall be applied once only to the control handle in such a way that the test load is equally
distributed between both flight lines/cables during the whole pull test.
c) It will be considered an attempt if the competitor fails to make his model aircraft available for
the pull test within the given time frame in paragraph 4.2.4.b.
d) If the control lines are disconnected from a competitor’s model aircraft after the pull test has
been performed but before making the respective contest flight then that competitor’s control
lines and model aircraft shall again pass the above lines length check and pull test before
making the respective official flight.

F2C Curse La modelele de curse se specifica clar ce fel de fire sint acceptate: material monofilar .35mm diametru iar materialul este metal
4.3.4. Testari facute inainte de zbor fiecare zbor oficial. Pe scurt translat se testeaza lungimea diametru si rezistenta la 30xgreutatea modelului or max 140N.
F2C este unica clasa care forteaza folosirea unui material specific la fire (fir de otel monofilar diametru .35mm) The model characteristics shall be:
l) The control system shall consist of two 0.35 mm diameter solid steel lines (minus tolerance
of 0.011 mm allowed) or two 0.35 mm diameter stranded (minimum three equal diameter
steel strands) lines (no minus tolerance allowed) connected to a pilot’s control handle. The
flying line length is 15.92 m (-0 mm/+25 mm tolerances allowed), measured from the centre
of the control handle to the axis of the propeller.

4.3.4. Technical Checks

b) The flying line length shall be measured before each race. A load sufficient to remove only
the slack from the lines may be applied during the flying line length check.
c) Both flying lines shall be checked for diameter at three locations along the length of the
lines, prior to each race, using an instrument which complies with the specification in
paragraph 8.1 of the F2 Organiser’s Guide.
d) The control system shall be checked for strength before each race by applying a tension
load between the model and the control handle grip equal to a minimum of 30 times the
weight of the model and a maximum of 140 N using an instrument with a maximum reading
accuracy of 1.0 N. Before each race a separate test shall be made between the wrist strap
and the control handle to the same standard.
e) Prior to each race the flying lines shall be checked to verify that there is no intentional
twisting and/or linking of the two control lines from the point of exit of the model and a point
300 mm from the control handle

F2D Lupte

4.4.6. Specifica linii de 15,92M, sa fie multifilar si cu un diametru minim de 0,385mm (Spectra este multifilar)
4.4.7. Verifica lungime si diametru plus trest la tensiune forta de 20Kg si daca judecatorii considera ca cablurile nu sint in conditie buna pot sa oblige concurentul sa scimbe cu o pereche buna.

4.4.6. Characteristics

b) Line length: 15.92 +/- 0.04 m
Minimum line diameter: 0.385 mm (no minus tolerance)
Two multi-strand control lines must be used. No free ends capable of entangling an opponent's
lines, and no line splices, are permitted. Open connection connectors are not allowed.

4.4.7. Technical Verification
To be tested before each heat:
a) Each set of lines must be checked for length and diameter.
The line length is measured from the inboard face of the grip of control handle to the longitudinal
centre line of the model aircraft.
A pull test shall be applied to the assembled handle(s), control lines and model aircraft. The pull
test shall be equal to 20 kgf.
The processing officials or judges may ask the competitor to change the lines if there is any
doubt about the line quality, such as kinks, curls, stress or rubbing marks

Scuze ca am pus aici un mesaj asa de lung.
Concluzia mea dupa ce am studiat regulamentul este ca in afara de curse F2C unde specificatiile sint clare in nici o alta disciplina clasa F2 nu esti fortat sa folosesti cabluri de otel pentru ca materialul nu este specificat iar regulire de testare inainte de zbor sint clare.

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