Membru din: 11 Noi 2009, 19:24
Mesaje: 286
Localitate: Miami, Florida
It finally happened. The fools flying drones have invaded the security of the White House. It doesn't matter to the secret service that this one was harmless, probably just wanting a close look at the inhabitants of the White House. The security of the White House has been breached. It could have just as easily been an explosive attack. This will result in legislation that could affect all of us across the board. At the very least, all R/C could be affected. I worry that the government uses a simple shotgun approach to laws and will ban all model airplanes because they know nothing about aeromodeling and could care less about learning. Time will tell.
Fişiere ataşate:
whitehousedrone.jpg [ 44.26 KiB | Vizualizat de 6981 ori ]
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